Nutrients in McDONALD'S, Hotcakes (with 2 pats margarine & syrup)

Fast Foods

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Amount of nutrients in 100 g (grams) of McDONALD'S, Hotcakes (with 2 pats margarine & syrup).

NutrientAmount and UnitPercentage
Water Water 40.6 g 40.6%
Energy (calorie) Energy (calorie) 272 kcal
Energy (joule) Energy (joule) 1138 kJ
Protein Protein 4.05 g 4.05%
Total lipid (fat) Total lipid (fat) 8.06 g 8.06%
Ash Ash 1.21 g 1.21%
Carbohydrate, by difference Carbohydrate, by difference 46.08 g 46.08%
Fiber, total dietary Fiber, total dietary 0.9 g 0.9%
Sugars, total Sugars, total 20.58 g 20.58%
Sucrose Sucrose 7.75 g 7.75%
Glucose (dextrose) Glucose (dextrose) 5.06 g 5.06%
Fructose Fructose 0.18 g 0.18%
Lactose Lactose 2.38 g 2.38%
Maltose Maltose 5.2 g 5.2%
Galactose Galactose 0 g
Calcium, Ca Calcium, Ca 57 mg 0.06%
Iron, Fe Iron, Fe 1.28 mg
Magnesium, Mg Magnesium, Mg 13 mg 0.01%
Phosphorus, P Phosphorus, P 177 mg 0.18%
Potassium, K Potassium, K 125 mg 0.12%
Sodium, Na Sodium, Na 283 mg 0.28%
Zinc, Zn Zinc, Zn 0.29 mg
Copper, Cu Copper, Cu 0.066 mg
Manganese, Mn Manganese, Mn 0.171 mg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0 mg
Thiamin Thiamin 0.202 mg
Riboflavin Riboflavin 0.18 mg
Niacin Niacin 1.464 mg
Pantothenic acid Pantothenic acid 0.48 mg
Vitamin B-6 Vitamin B-6 0.052 mg
Folate, total Folate, total 65 µg
Vitamin B-12 Vitamin B-12 0.01 µg
Vitamin A, IU Vitamin A, IU 241 IU
Fatty acids, total saturated Fatty acids, total saturated 0.818 g 0.82%
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.863 g 0.86%
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 2.087 g 2.09%
Fatty acids, total trans Fatty acids, total trans 1.788 g 1.79%
Cholesterol Cholesterol 9 mg 0.01%